UUMISM took part in the event themed “Sarawak Athletes Career Path” organised by Sarawak Sports Corporation (SSC) to introduce the school as an opportunity for Sarawak Junior Golfers to further their studies. It was held on 28th August 2020 at Pandela Rinong Aquatic Centre in Petra Jaya, Kuching.
It was a fruitful meeting between both parties and parents who attended the event along with their children. Representing SSC were the CEO Dr. Ong Kong Swee, sports development division manager Ahmad Rodzli and representing UUMISM is our founder Pro David Jeong & team. During the event, parents and junior golfers were briefed on the opportunities on golf related careers.
Also present were Sarawak Golf Association Vice president Anthony Tan, secretary Shahary Alias and SSC sports development officers.
UUM International School Melaka (MUAB2005)