An interesting and informative article by Henry Brunton entitled: The Development of Expertise for Elite Competitive Golfers and the Related Probability of Advancing to the PGA Tour – Key Information for Athletes, Parents, Coaches, Golf Professionals and Administrators. There are important areas on the role of parents that could be shared with those who aspire to have their children make it big in the golfing world. These are recommendations based on research done although most Malaysian parents are not doing anything drastically different. However, parents reading this should also be aware the existence of cultural and social influences on their roles depending on their background.
Parents must have a clear understanding of the key variables and stages involved in the development process of young golfers. Accordingly, it takes many years for complete beginners to reach the point where they can start winning major professional tournaments. Also, research by Ericsson, (1993) suggested that it requires at least 10 years or 10,000 hours of intense involvement of deliberate practice to attain the skills and expertise necessary to become world class. There are however exceptions like some natural talents who excel at a young age.
According to Brunton, there are basically 3 stages of development: sampling years (ages 6-12); specializing years (ages 13-15) and investment years (ages 16+). The role of parents changes for each stage to suit the needs of the children. For example, during the sampling years, parents are generally responsible for getting their children involved in sports. Their direct role consists mainly of coaching, observing and giving feedback; and playing/training with them.
Accordingly, parents should continue allowing their children to be involved in as many enjoyable and fun sporting activities. It is important they have good physical fundamentals. There is no specific age as to when the children should start playing golf. If they show interest in golf, they should firstly participate in golf skills development under a person specially trained in junior golf coaching. It is important to get the right technique during the early stage. They should not over indulge in competitions as these could lead to burn-out or injuries in later stages. Some Malaysian parents are eager to get their young ones into serious competitions too early in their development. This can cause unnecessary pressure on the child which could lead to early retirement as we have seen many cases in the past.
During the specializing years, the children should begin to focus on one or two sporting activities only. Parents should stop coaching their children, but continue to support their children’s deliberate play and practice activities. A professional coach who is trained and specializes in developing competitive players should be engaged.
The young golfers need to learn effective practice habits and training regiments. They should now begin to participate in tournaments at national level.
In the investment years, the children making golf their primary sport should now be committed to be elite and competitive golfers. The parents’ role consisted mainly providing financial support and making sacrifices in their personal lives. They end up being spectators at games and continue to be supportive in their deliberate practice activities. Their presence at tournaments is also important. Full support is required to allow the juniors to focus on training, competing and making improvement. At this stage, it is Important for them to do things independently as it helps to build up self-confidence.
Maybe parents can learn from Earl Woods who was the major force behind Tiger’s success. He commented in Gary Smith’s “The Chosen One”, “I learned to give Tiger the space to be himself, and not to smother him with dos and don’ts. I took out the authority aspect and turned it into companionship. I made myself vulnerable as a parent. When you have to earn respect from your child, rather than demanding it because it’s owed to you as the father, miracles happen.” And, concurred by Tiger Woods, “It’s the child’s desire to play that matters, not the parent’s desire to have the child play.”
It is also widely known that Korean parents play vital roles in the early stages of most successful players on the LPGA. Once a child shows potential to be a good golfer, she is taken out of ordinary school and focus on golf. Some parents take on 2nd jobs to provide financial needs especially those without sponsors. They quit their jobs to be with their children when they compete internationally. The players too need their parents to be around which gives them confidence and peace of mind which help them mentally competing in tournaments. The players knowing their parents being around provides psychological comfort especially when the going is rough. It is this continuous devotion and 100% commitment of Korean parents to their children’s needs that contribute to their successes.
We can conclude that the right role parents should play is critical in the development of a potential junior golfer. Whilst natural talent is important, proper guidance, financial and emotional support during the three stages lead to the right psychological frame of mind for their practice and play activities.
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KM 14.5, Jalan Tasik, Ayer Keroh Country Club, 75450 Melaka
UUM International School Melaka (MUAB2005)